Scientific Preparatory Program

Scientific Preparatory Program  


  1. In order to prepare out-field students for the programs they register at Yıldız Technical University, some departments offer Scientific Preparatory Programs. For taking the Preparatory Program courses, MA students should register to BA courses and PhD students should register to MA courses. Considering the program a student previously graduated, courses are assigned to each student by the department and students should register to those compulsory courses on GSIS.


  1. Scientific preparatory program length is two semesters at most, and the period starts with the registration to the relevant program. Scientific Preparatory Program is not included in the time period of the graduate program. Scientific Preparatory Program period cannot be extended (unless the student is on official leave). Students who cannot pass the program at the end of two semester are dismissed from the program.


  1. Minimum number of courses is 3 and the maximum number of courses is 7 for the Scientific Preparatory Program. Credits taken during the Scientific Preparatory Program are not a substitute for the credits required to complete the relevant graduate program. Grades taken from the Preparatory Program courses are not included in the GPA.


  1. Beside the Scientific Preparatory Program courses, preparatory program students, registered to MA programs, can take up to two courses from the MA courses.  


  1. Scientific Preparation courses are offered non-credit besed and the minimum required grade to pass the program is CB (2.50 / 4.00).